is a privately owned and funded ballet and modern dance performance calendar and information resource for the San Francisco Bay Area. Started in October 1998, BayDance is now listed with major World Wide Web portals and search engines such as Yahoo!, AOL, Alta Vista, InfoSeek, BayInsider, Excite, Lycos, and more. receives more than 7,000 "hits" per month from all over the world.
BayDance was created and is maintained by Michael Phelan, a dance fan, as a volunteer effort to promote the arts of ballet and modern dance in and around San Francisco, California.
In the spring of 2000 Columbia Pictures invited BayDance to conduct the sole Bay Area online promotion of the movie Center Stage. In the fall of 2000, at the request of Universal Pictures BayDance conducted the Bay Area online promotion of the film Billy Elliot.
Several Bay Area ballet and modern
dance companies submit performance notices and press releases to BayDance. There
is currently no fee to list a performance with BayDance. The only requirement
is that a performance be classical ballet, contemporary ballet, modern dance,
or dance theater and performed in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please email performance
notices to .
Although there is no deadline for submitting performance notices, last minute requests cannot always be filled. The calendars are compiled several months ahead, so it is unlikely that a performance notice would be submitted too early.
When possible, performance information is verified before posting it on BayDance. However, anyone using this information to attend a performance should confirm it with the theater or dance company beforehand.
If possible, email press releases
as HTML or text files to .
Dance companies holding auditions
in the Bay Area are welcome to submit notices for listing on BayDance. If possible,
please email HTML or text files to .
All photographs in BayDance are used with permission of the dance company or the photographer. Anyone wishing to use photographs displayed in BayDance must first obtain permission of the photographers and/or dance companies who own them.
Thank you for using
Michael Phelan
August 12, 2024